Sunday, January 11, 2009


Sundays are busy busy busy days. Today started off a little earlier than usual. Sunday school at 9:00 am, then church, a little bit of time for grocery shopping, and then youth group at 4-6. We got home at around 8:10 pm. Busy busy busy. The little time we had in between grocery shopping and youth group, me and my sister Sarah spent on the trampoline. We decided it would be a good idea to bring the dog on too haha. He was scared at first, so he stood like a shivering statue. Then he got used to it for a little until he tried to commit doggy suicide and jump into the safety net several times. He finally started to have fun and he jumped around with us. He's a good boy. Honestly, I don't think he wanted to get off, but when he did he ran around on the hard ground like he never had before. He probably had that weird feeling. You know, the one where you have been on the trampoline for so long your feet forget what hard ground feels like? Yeah, that one. 

1 comment:

  1. He tried to climb on it today when he was outside for a potty break. He didn't make it, of course, but he tried!
